Is Canada Really in Decline... and If So
What Needs to Be Done?
Course full. To go onto the waiting list, e-mail us at [email protected]
We hear a constant drumbeat about Canadian decline. Much of it is about our economy, particularly our weak productivity gains. But it’s much more than that. Our healthcare system is seriously troubled. People cannot find affordable homes and many are homeless. We have a national opioid crisis. Inequality is greater than in many decades. Then there is our lack of national unity. Quebec is once again making noises about independence and Alberta says it will ignore federal law. Politically we are polarized. Our global influence is weaker than at any time since WWII. So, lots of problems even before we have to deal with Donald Trump.
The question is why. What has caused the country to be in a worse state than many of us can remember? Is it just unstoppable global forces? Is it poor leadership and governance? Is it the excessive power of major corporations and their monopolies. Is it our political and economic system in general? Are there cultural factors? Is it demographics? Is it our dysfunctional relationship with the U.S.? Of course, we have many strengths, which we should not ignore.
In this course we’ll look deep at the state of Canada, our troubles and challenges as well as the strengths. We’ll diagnose why we are where we are and identify the strategies to get us onto a better path.
Moderator: John Simke
Dates and Times: Fridays January 31 through February 21 (4 weeks), 2-4PM
Location: Northrop Frye Building, Victoria College, University of Toronto, 91 Charles Street West
Cost: $48
Enrolment: Use the shopping basket below. See Terms
The question is why. What has caused the country to be in a worse state than many of us can remember? Is it just unstoppable global forces? Is it poor leadership and governance? Is it the excessive power of major corporations and their monopolies. Is it our political and economic system in general? Are there cultural factors? Is it demographics? Is it our dysfunctional relationship with the U.S.? Of course, we have many strengths, which we should not ignore.
In this course we’ll look deep at the state of Canada, our troubles and challenges as well as the strengths. We’ll diagnose why we are where we are and identify the strategies to get us onto a better path.
Moderator: John Simke
Dates and Times: Fridays January 31 through February 21 (4 weeks), 2-4PM
Location: Northrop Frye Building, Victoria College, University of Toronto, 91 Charles Street West
Cost: $48
Enrolment: Use the shopping basket below. See Terms