Us vs them: the failure of globalism
When human beings feel threatened, we identify the danger & look for allies. We use an enemy, real or imagined, to rally friends to our side. This course is about the ways we define today's threats as fights for survival. It's about the walls our governments build to protect insiders from outsiders & the state from its people. The "globalizers" have failed to recognize these deep human instincts, with the result that globalism is being challenged by push back almost everywhere - the UK, the US, large swaths Europe, & Latin America. Can globalism recover by factoring in identity? Or is globalism a fundamentally flawed idea? Let's discuss.....
- To keep our discussions lively & thought-provoking we will have a 'Peer Panel' in this course. Four volunteer class participants will have the opportunity to select an issue from the prepared class handout on which they will have a month to prepare their comment for a class.
- Everyone will still receive a digital copy of the class handout a few days ahead of class & a 'hard copy' of the handout in class.
- The book 'Us Vs Them' by Ian Bremmer will be a significant source of the class content but not the only source!
Moderator: Pat Simke
Date and Time: Tuesdays November 13 and 20 (2 weeks) from 2-4 PM
Location: OISE, 252 Bloor Street West, Room TBA
Cost: $12
Maximum Class Size: 25
Booking: See Terms and Conditions. Please note, maximum of two spots per person. When the course is full, to go onto the waiting list, please send us an e-mail at [email protected]