"In The Age of Piketty " - A series of 4 tuesday courses
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Eight years on from the banking crisis, & 2 years since Thomas Piketty called the relative equality of the mid-20th century an aberration in his acclaimed book on Capital in the 21st Century, the 1% are on a tear.
We are now living in a new gilded age. Piketty showed that unearned wealth would trump (no pun intended) individual effort. This series of four 2-week courses (a total of 8 hours) will explore some of the most egregious accumulations, outside of cash, going on as we speak.
1) Buying Land: Your Millennial might be able to buy a house after all! - Sept 13 and 20, from
2-4 PM Course Cancelled
2) Buying Countries: 16 tons & wadda you get? - Oct 4 and 11, from 2-4 PM COURSE FULL. TO GO ONTO THE WAITING LIST, PLEASE E-MAIL US AT [email protected], INDICATING THE COURSE
3) Buying Markets: You don't have to win it all. There is an alternative! - Nov 1 and 8, from
2-4 PM
4) Buying Governments: Money vs People or how Brexit could change it all. - Nov 22 and 29, from 2-4 PM COURSE FULL. TO GO ONTO THE WAITING LIST, PLEASE E-MAIL US AT [email protected], INDICATING THE COURSE
Moderator: Pat Simke
Dates and Times: See above
Location: OISE, 252 Bloor Street West, Room TBA
Cost: $48
Maximum Class Sizes: 25
We are now living in a new gilded age. Piketty showed that unearned wealth would trump (no pun intended) individual effort. This series of four 2-week courses (a total of 8 hours) will explore some of the most egregious accumulations, outside of cash, going on as we speak.
1) Buying Land: Your Millennial might be able to buy a house after all! - Sept 13 and 20, from
2-4 PM Course Cancelled
2) Buying Countries: 16 tons & wadda you get? - Oct 4 and 11, from 2-4 PM COURSE FULL. TO GO ONTO THE WAITING LIST, PLEASE E-MAIL US AT [email protected], INDICATING THE COURSE
3) Buying Markets: You don't have to win it all. There is an alternative! - Nov 1 and 8, from
2-4 PM
4) Buying Governments: Money vs People or how Brexit could change it all. - Nov 22 and 29, from 2-4 PM COURSE FULL. TO GO ONTO THE WAITING LIST, PLEASE E-MAIL US AT [email protected], INDICATING THE COURSE
Moderator: Pat Simke
Dates and Times: See above
Location: OISE, 252 Bloor Street West, Room TBA
Cost: $48
Maximum Class Sizes: 25